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fAfB fCfD fEfF fGfH fIfJ fKfL fMfN fOfP fQfR fSfT fUfV fWfX fYfZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
ATF all time fashion 25
ATUL fashion 24
AV AAY-VEE'S fashion +tick 25
AV AJMERA fashion +oval arc 24
AVANOOR fashion jewellers 14
AXN fashion craft +triangle 25
B BLUE NATION fashion +star 25
B4U fashion 20, 25, 26, 28, 41
BABALENE high fashion 24
BAUBLEBEADS fashion jeweler 35
BEE MORE fashion 24
BF bombay fashion 24
BFC REHMAN BAIG fashion 25
BFW bengaluru fashion week 25
BHAGWATI fashion 25
BHAWNA'S b2b fashion 25
BIBA fashion fusion 12, 30
BIG BIRD fashion focus +bir 25
BLUE AIRES fashion wear 25
BOMBAY DYEING fashion fabri 24
BRAINS fashion products 25
BRB fashion +oval 35
C T fashion 25
CALIBIRD fashion 25
CALYPSO home fashion +squar 18
CANE original fashion 25
CARBON fashion accessories 25
CHEMMANUR fashion jewellers 14
CHINKI fashion 24
CHITRA fashion 24
CHOICE fashion 25
CITY QUEEN fashion jeweller 14
CLIPPER fashion +hand 25
COOL CUPIDS fashion wear 25
CT THE fashion guild +circl 25
CUBE fashion food & home 16, 35
CUFF-LINKS power of fashion 25
CUTICURA fine fashion +oval 3
DARVEYS luxury fashion 21, 25
DAY BY DAY mens fashion 25
DEVKI fashion +oval 24
DEVMATA fashion 24
DEW DREAMZ fashion 25
DFX durable fashion xtreme 25
DG fashion +stars 14
DHARMA fashion 35
DIANA new fashion brands 17
DIANA the new fashion brand 26
DISHA girls fashion 25
DIVISHI fashion wear +woman 25
DULHANIYA fashion +oval 24
DV fashion +square 25
E excellent fashion wear 25
fashion 35
ESSENCE OF fashion 24
ESTILO fashion fascinate 25
fashion 25, 35
F FBM fashion behind men 25
F FNK fashion and kraft 25
F FUZIONS the fashion house 26
F PINKPITCH fashion & style 25
F STUDIO fashion & fabrics 24
F. BAY fashion BAY 35
F2-fresh fashion 25, 42
FA fashion +triangle 14
FAIR hi-fashion nail sliks 3
FATHIMA fashion jewellery 14
FC fashion colors +flower 35
FC fashion creator 35
FDCI fashion awards 35
FEELINGS the fashion shoppe 14
FENDO a symbol of fashion 18
FERRINI fashion creators 25
FF F-LUK fashion redefined 25
FI fashion & I 25
FIBRE TO fashion 26
FILLY fashion 25
FILMAX fashion chic +circle 35
FJ FABBY fashion jewellery 14
FL fashion LINE 25
FL new fashion LOOK +square 42
FLF-FOR love of fashion 25
FLY MAN fashion +square 25
FM fashion MALL fashion STO 42
FM fashion MALL fashion STO 42
FNG fashion of new guyz 25
FOLIOS fashion 25
FP fashion POINT +oval bird 24
FP fashion plaza +oval 24
FRENCHIE fashion 25
FT fashion television 25
FT FLASH fashion 42
FTW fashion TIMEWEAR +arc 25
FU fashion unlimited 25
FUTURE fashion +tree 16, 24, 25
FUZIONS the fashion house 25
FYLFOT rajesh fashion 25
G fashion wear +shield wing 25
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